Critical Root Zone Impact of the Senior Center Project
Draft Version 2
As of 7/2/22
[Website administrators note: The following diagrams show the tree’s critical root zone as 93 feet in radius. This was based on an inadvertent error in measuring the circumference of the tree. The critical root zone is actually closer to 64 feet in radius. At this radius, the proposed building still encroaches on the tree’s root zone but to a lesser extent. We apologize for the error. The diagrams will be revised shortly to reflect the change.]
The following picture shows the approximate location of the proposed Senior Center building footprint as of 6/1/22 based on the corner stake locations. Note that the northwest corner of the building was about 15 feet from the trunk of the tree up under the canopy, well within the 1/4 CRZ perimeter. It would have been necessary to cut large limbs to accommodate the building envelope.
The following picture shows the approximate location of the modified building footprint plan as of 6/27/22 overlayed onto an overhead view of the Seniors’ Tree critical root zone (CRZ). Although the building has been moved out of the canopy and 1/4 CRZ, it is still well into the 1/2CRZ. TxDOT guideline for the 1/2CRZ is no more than 4 inch depth of trenching or 4 inches of loose fill on top. Note that this diagram shows only the building footprint. It does not yet show the impact of sidewalks, parking lots, soil compaction via foot traffic and packed fill dirt outside the building perimeter.
Building footprint over The Seniors Tree critical root zone